We are exposed daily to chemical toxins and poisons that have never before existed in our world. Heavy metals, plastics, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals are in our cleaning supplies, skin care products, food, drinking water and the air we breathe. Toxins contribute to illness, accelerate the aging process, decrease immunity to disease and invoke environmental and chemical sensitivities.
Symptoms include: Brain fog, nervous disorders, sudden headaches, sensitivity to smells, skin rashes, fatigue.
Environmental toxins can be identified through state of the art lab testing and eliminated through our detoxification, IV therapy and cleansing programs.
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Possible Key to Acute and Chronic Illness
Toxic metals can cause or contribute to a long list of diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Autism, ADD and other brain and neurological disorders, MS, fatigue, depression, mood swings, autoimmune conditions, Lyme, insomnia, anemia, chronic pain and endocrine imbalances. These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the number of chronic degenerative disorders that are negatively influenced by heavy metal burdens in the body. Main stream medicine recognizes the acute toxicity that comes
from high levels of metals in your body but doesn’t seem to recognize adverse effects from low-level, chronic exposure. Mercury, Aluminum, Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium are examples of the most toxic metals. They are present in our environment and can even be passed down in- utero to the unborn baby. A 2004 study by Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that blood samples from newborns contained an average of 287 toxins, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and Teflon chemicals. The toxicity in our environment is unfortunately becoming greater all of the time. Both chemical and metal toxins are found on the food we eat, water we drink and the air we breathe. If you eat fish regularly, had amalgam fillings, received vaccinations or worked in industry, with chemicals, agriculture or lived down wind of them, then there’s a good chance that you have accumulated toxic metals in your system.
The effects of toxic metals are synergistic with other metals and chemicals. Since these toxins build up in your body over time, symptoms are often attributed to other causes or go undiagnosed. We are all different in our ability to cleanse these substances from the body, but for many people who do not detox well, toxic substances bio-accumulate and become insults to our health and cause disease. Since we all have different genetics, what is a tolerable level for one person may tip someone else over the edge into disease. Toxicity occurs when we retain more toxins than our level of physiological tolerance. The effects of these toxic metals can range from subtle symptoms to serious diseases. Since metals build up in your body over time, symptoms are often attributed to other causes and people often don’t realize that they have been affected by metals. Heavy metals are primarily neurotoxins. There is a synergistic effect between all neurotoxins, both chemicals and metals which is responsible for the illness producing effect. Acute heavy metal toxicity is easier to recognize and diagnose than a chronic burden. Indications of acute toxicity include, sudden, severe cramping and or convulsions, vertigo, nausea, sweating, impaired mental function and headache. Chronic heavy metal exposure often goes undetected because many of these maladies are so common. Fatigue, depression, joint pain, and hormonal imbalances are just a few symptoms while some conditions are more severe. Many degenerative conditions are a result of metals disrupting the mineral balance and their use in our body. This compromises many of our enzyme systems and causes organ system stress and degenerative changes in body function. When someone is ill and the cause can’t be attributed to infectious disease, diet or lifestyle, environmental toxicities are often the source of the problem.
Common Toxic Metal:
Mercury is one of the most dangerous of all toxic metals because, despite its dangers and known role as a neurotoxin, it is widespread in the environment. Many people are exposed to mercury through dental amalgam fillings in their mouth, injected with it in vaccinations, consuming it in fish or the herbicides and pesticides on food they eat and breathe it in the air as part of industrial emissions and coal burning plants. Over 100million Americans have amalgam fillings and almost every baby in the US is started on a vaccination program that will give them up to 50 times the government’s accepted level of mercury on a body weight basis. But if Mercury is a neurotoxin, then there should be no acceptable level. This is all happening while the rate of Alzheimer’s is skyrocketing, Autism is estimated at 1 in 150 children or more and it’s estimated that 1 in 6 American children have some sort of neuro-developmental disorder.
Lead Lead is common in the environment and is also a severe neurotoxin. Among the major sources are lead-based paint, leaded gasoline, lead in plumbing, manufacturing of lead batteries, glass, certain rubber products, plastics and other lead-containing products While some of these sources, such as Lead- based paint and leaded gasoline are not used anymore they still pose a health problems. It is estimated that 64 million homes in the United States still contain lead paint, which can either be ingested in flakes or inhaled as a
microscopic dust. Recently, toxic levels of lead were discovered in some children’s toys that were imported from China. An NHANES study showed higher lead levels in children from lower income families. It’s estimated that more than 800,000 U.S. workers are exposed to lead through their work.
Like other metals, aluminum is absorbed and accumulated in the body, and has been linked to serious illnesses including osteoporosis, extreme nervousness, anemia, headache, decreased liver and kidney function, forgetfulness, speech disturbances and memory loss. People who have died from Alzheimer’s disease have been found to have up to four times the average amount of aluminum accumulated in the brain’s nerve cells. Common sources are Aluminum cookware and foil, antiperspirants, vaccines, antacids and other over the counter medications.
Cadmium can be found in food, water and cigarette smoke. Smoking doubles the average daily intake. It is a known human carcinogen that appears to harm DNA and DNA repair systems. Cadmium stays in the body for a long time and accumulates after long-term exposure to even low levels. Cadmium is released into the air from mining, industry and burning coal, then binds to soil particles and dissolves in water. Fish, plants, and animals accumulate cadmium so there are low levels of it in almost all foods with the highest levels found in shellfish. People are exposed to cadmium through foods, drinking contaminated water and breathing cadmium-contaminated air.
Organic arsenic compounds are mainly used as pesticides, while inorganic arsenic is primarily used to preserve wood. About 20 years ago, many playgrounds were built out of